New Beginnings

During our first couple days in Prince William Sound for Composing in the Wilderness, the superintendent of the wilderness research area - Tim - and his wife and fellow forest ranger - Barbara - stayed with us to teach us about the land and the history of the people there. Before we ventured into the Nellie Juan Glacier, Tim shared with us how the glacier was receding during his years there. Instead of taking the typical somber mood one takes when telling of the effects of climate change in every day life, Tim took a more complicated and neutral tone. He told us of how the melting glacier would allow a new rain forest to grow on the land that was previously too harsh for it to thrive, and although the loss of this great glacier was a terrible thing, something beautiful would spring from it.

for flute, alto saxophone, violin, cello, and percussion; 7'; premiered by the Corvus Ensemble at Federal Hall, New York City, NY, 2019

recording found here